The Best Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita

The best commentary on the Bhagavad Gita is the life of its own author. Sri Krishna lived what He taught and He taught what is of the highest and the greatest value. Sri Krishna was an integral person who led the integral life of a consciousness of the integral Reality. He was one of the busiest possible beings, a matchless statesman, an expert in sciences and arts, living in the midst of a large family of heterogeneous elements, undertaking to bring peace to the earth by destroying antagonistic powers and raising aloft the down trodden Dharma. And yet, with all these multifarious activities of an all-comprehensive type.

He was ceaselessly aware of His True Self, the Absolute. To study the life of Sri Krishna is to study the Bhagavad Gita in action. Sri Krishna was a synthesis of the One and the many, a reconciliation of the unmanifest and the manifest, a soldering of the Infinite and the finite. For Krishna there is nothing to acquire and nothing to renounce, for He is the Truth between the two opposites. He is a “Cosmic Man” who acts in this world with ‘eyes wide open’, whose actions are based not on Personal interests, but on Truth-Consciousness, not on the particular but the General Being.

No greater man, and yet no greater Divinity has ever appeared before the human eye, than Sri Krishna. Look at His many-sided personality! The same Krishna, the friend of the simple cowherds, the same humble servant who washed the feet of the guests in Yudhishthira’s royal sacrifice, was that all-devouring Virat, the Universal Being that dazzled the representative of man, Arjuna, struck him with awe, and thundered forth the Bhagavad Gita in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The Bhagavad
Gita expects every man to become a Krishna, a paragon of the wise man, a Yogeshvara, a man of universal action, and a centre, of all love. Sri Krishna is the ideal superman of the East, and the Gita is the exposition of the science of man’s rising to this State.

Source: pgs. 253-254, Yoga Samhita by Swami Sivananda


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