Self-Talk Breaks Negative Thoughts

A subconscious mind is a subtle machine that works based on the thoughts and directions of the conscious mind. Our conscious mind is like the captain of a ship guiding it's course while the subconscious mind is like the Mariners in the engine room who can't see anything but obeys the instructions of the captain. So we need to be conscious of our thoughts and actions, for those impact our subconscious mind.

In this video, Swami Mukundananda talks about the importance of positive self-talk or Reaffirmations to re-programme our subconscious mind and get rid of negative thoughts.

Action item: Identify one positive self-talk today and keep repeating it to you every day a few times. One way is to chant the name of God, who is all pure and divine. When you do this every day, you can transform your life. 


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