How to Kill Your Mind?

"Discipline is an enemy of mind. The mind is very terribly afraid when it hears the terms discipline, regularity, Tapas, Vairagya, renunciation, Sadhana, etc. These practices bring death of the mind or Manonasa.... Man evolves quickly by regular practices.

"He who meditates regularly gets Samadhi quickly. He gets the meditative mood easily without any exertion. He who does physical exercises regularly gets rapid development of body. That man who is irregular and does his actions by fits and starts cannot reap the fruits of his efforts.

"Learn your lessons from nature. Mark how the seasons rotate regularly! Mark how the sun rises and sets, how the monsoon Comes, how the flowers blossom, how the fruits and vegetables crop up, how the revolution of the moon and the earth take place, how the days and nights, weeks and months and years roll on! Nature is your Guru and guide. The five elements are your preceptor and teacher. Open your eyes and receive instructions and follow.

"Have regular habits in all walks of life. Be regular in going to bed and in rising up early in the morning. "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." Be very regular in your meals always. Be regular in your studies, in your physical exercises,  in your meditation etc., and you will have a very successful life and a happy one too. 'Regularity' should be your watch-word."

(pgs. 155, 156, 157, How to Cultivate Virtues and Eradicate Vice by Swami Sivananda)


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