When Scales Fall from Our Eyes

Parable of The Torch in a Dark Room

A man entered his room when it was dark. He wanted to take his torchlight which he knew was in the room. He began to search for it. He tumbled over many things; he knocked his head here and there. Lo! The torchlight is in his grasp now. Instantly, the darkness vanishes and he is able to move about in the room with freedom and ease.

A Sadhaka enters the dark caverns of his inner self, where he knows the Light of the Self lies. During his search he seems to stumble and fall, and knock his head here and there. At last the moment arrives—the great Moment of moments—and the light is within his grasp. Instantly ignorance vanishes. The Light of the Self is upon his soul. No more struggle; no more trouble. He moves about freely as a Jivanmukta.

Source: Parables of Sivananda


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