Can We Take A Short Break From Sadhana?

Absolutely not! Why?

Mata Amritanandamayi: "We don't stop brushing our teeth, taking a shower or eating food because those are necessities. In the same way, we should remember that sadhana is also necessary for us every day. We will stink of we do not take a bath and brush our teeth. It will be troublesome for others also.  We should understand that refraining from doing sadhana is at least as harmful as this. Sadhana should become a part of our life." (pgs. 122-123, Awaken, Children! Vol. 1)

Mata Amritanandamayi: "Can't you see even jivenmuktas (those who have achieved liberation while tenanting the body) doing meditation and japa (repetitions of the mantra) to set an example? No progress will accrue to him who simply sits saying faith will save me without doing anything." (pgs. 82-83, Awaken, Children! Vol. 3).

Mata Amritanandamayi: "We do some kind of spiritual practice, and then, dissipate the acquired spiritual energy by indulging in worldly affairs." (pg. 71, Awaken, Children! Vol. 1).

Swami Sivananda: "Exertion, exertion, exertion, sadhana, sadhana, sadhana." (pg. 173, "Ponder These Truths" by Swami Chidananda)

Swami Sivananda: "Regularity in sadhana and Para-vairagya should be ALWAYS maintained," Swami Sivananda (pg. 87, Spiritual Experiences).

Swami Sivananda: "Persist in your spiritual practices". (pg. 340, Science of Yoga, Vol. 2 by Swami Sivananda)

But why is it that I do not have any attraction for sadhana? Why is it I would rather do anything else except my meditation or Japa? Why?

Swami Sivananda: Why is it that man has not yet learnt to take to Sadhana? Because he does not have a deep and abiding faith in the admonitions of saints, in the scriptures, in the words of those who have trodden the path and attained the goal" - (pg. 102, Self-Realisation by Swami Sivananda).

What should my attitude be in regard to sadhana?

Swami Sivananda: "A fanciful interest in the spiritual path is of no use. Take recourse to dynamic and many-sided Sadhana...RELENTLESS effort to live a spiritual life is very necessary. The angle of vision has to be changed. Regular Sadhana will keep the mind always CLEAN and CONQUERED," Swami Sivananda (pg. xiL, Conquest of Mind).

Swami Sivananda: "...a little bit of japa or puja and THEN running after sense-enjoyments will NOT help you much." (pg. 215, Sivananda's Lectures: All-India and Ceylon Tour).


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