Probing Thoughts that Will Keep Us Company During this Lock-Down

In the following Satsang, Swamini Sri Siddheshvari Devi, the direct disciple of Sri Kripalu Maharaj, has answered the following questions and has covered the topics below:

1. What Constitutes proper Sadhana (=spiritual practice)?
2. Where and how do we go wrong in Sadhana?
2a. Why most of us do not see any any progress in our spiritual practice?
3. The role of "shedding tears" in devotion.
4. Could anyone possibly remember God all the time, especially when we are engaged in our quotidian duties?
4a. Can one's existence become Sadhana?
5. What is the real meaning of Satsang?
5a. Who is qualified to conduct Satsang?
6. What is the greatest Seva (=Karma Yoga)?
7. Do we really have an inner voice?
7a. Can we listen to the promptings of our conscience?
8. The role of cleanliness and punctuality in spiritual life.
9. Why must I do spiritual practice right now and not later?
10. How to find out when we are going to die?
11. Death is more important than God?
12. How to get rapid spiritual progress right now?
13. When to start spiritual practice?
14. What is the best way to make one's Guru happy?

Swamini Sri Siddheshvari Devi is a senior disciple of Sri Kripalu Maharaj from Vrindavan, India. She received her graduate degree from York University in Toronto. However, the call of God was so strong that after graduating, Swamini's spiritual quest led her to her Guru, Sri Kripalu Maharaj.

She is continuously striving to spread the deep spiritual teachings of Hinduism and dispel the myths and misconceptions related to it. An eloquent speaker, her mission is to simplify the eternal message of the Vedas and Shastras and awaken love for God within the hearts of seeking souls.

Swamini is the founder of Radha Madhav Society, a non-profit charitable organisation in America, Canada and Trinidad, functioning under the auspices of her Guru.


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