Criticisms and Defensiveness

"Do not tell a person a mistake (that) he knows he (has) made. What is the use of pointing out a mistake that he knows he has committed? By doing this, you will only make that person feel more guilty, defensive or resentful, and this will only create more distance. You should point out the mistake of only a person who does not know, but who wants to know. Also, do not point out the mistake of a person who knows but does not want you to know about it. Often, people know the mistakes that they have committed, but they do not want you to tell them," Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (pg. 10, An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker)

"Defensiveness is a symptom of self-pity. Train the mind to stand and impartially analyse a situation, and your reaction. Acknowledge what is true when it is pointed out to you. If you become sad, moody, or 'go to pieces' because someone has criticised you, know that this is one of your weak links." (pg. 9, "Overcoming Character Liabilities" by Daya Mata)


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