Even if You Live with Your Guru in an Ashram, It Does Not Mean Anything!

Swami Muktananda: "I do not agree with those who identify the Guru with his physical body, or who mistake physical proximity to the Guru for inner realisation. When Lord Rama and Lord Krishna were here in this world, millions of people saw them, but I don't think all of them were liberated. Sadhana is a discipline. The purer you are, the greater your sadhana is.

What's the point of mere physical closeness to the Guru if you're not sensitive to him? If you do sadhana, you are transformed. If you do not do sadhana, what does it matter how long you were close to the Guru? Sadhana has its own end, its onw fruit. There are very few people who really do sadhana sincerely.

One must be worthy to gain the knowledge of Brahman, This worthuiness is acquired by service to the Guru. But in serving, one must also have an intense desire for liberation. Without this desire, even service to the Guru will not bear fruit. Many people did personal service to my Guru for many years, but who knows what they gained spiritually?

Source: 129-130, Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri


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