The Best Medicine for Your Disease
The best medicine or tonic for any complaint---physical and mental (Adhi and Vyadhi)---is constantly thinking: "I am the Spirit or Atman which is independent of the body and mind, and which is Anamaya (diseaselesss)." Even if you think once, it will give immense inner strength and elevation. If a habit of thinking in this direction is formed definitely, it is a solace, comfort and mental peace.This is a cheap, potent, easily available medicine that lies at your command, that is very close to you, that is within easy access or approach. Practise this. Feel this. Be assured of the efficacy of this divine tonic. You can save much money, time and energy. The vast majority do not avail of this rare panacea, though they have very often heard of this from saints and spiritual books and Srutis. This is due to deep ignorance and lack of faith.
Repeat the following formulae mentally several times daily. Meditate on the meaning. Chronic, incurable disease that are declared hopeless by a board of eminent doctors can be cured by this method. This is an unfailing, infallible, divine remedy. Sometimes, you will have to wait patiently for results. Auto-suggestion is only an off-shoot of Vedanta. The formulae of this school, viz.,
'Through the grace of God, I am becoming better and better, day by day, in every way' is only a Vedantic assertion and affirmation.
Sing now, feel and assert---
Ananda Swaroopoham........................................................Om, Om, Om
I am an embodiment of happiness.........................................Om, Om, Om
I am bliss in essence............................................................Om, Om, Om
Anaamayoham......................................................................Om, Om, Om
I am diseaseless Atma..........................................................Om, Om, Om
I am all-health......................................................................Om, Om, Om
I am neither body nor mind...................................................Om, Om, Om
I am the embodiment of Arogyam.........................................Om, Om, Om
My will is pure and irresistible...............................................Om, Om, Om
Live in the spirit of the above formulae. This alone can keep the doctors away. The is dead cheap. This is a sure sovereign specific and a sheet anchor and a cure-all... Believe me. Give up doubting. I assure you, my dear brother!
(pgs. 184, 186-187, Yoga Samhita by Swami Sivananda)

'Through the grace of God, I am becoming better and better, day by day, in every way' is only a Vedantic assertion and affirmation.
Sing now, feel and assert---
Ananda Swaroopoham........................................................Om, Om, Om
I am an embodiment of happiness.........................................Om, Om, Om
I am bliss in essence............................................................Om, Om, Om
Anaamayoham......................................................................Om, Om, Om
I am diseaseless Atma..........................................................Om, Om, Om
I am all-health......................................................................Om, Om, Om
I am neither body nor mind...................................................Om, Om, Om
I am the embodiment of Arogyam.........................................Om, Om, Om
My will is pure and irresistible...............................................Om, Om, Om
Live in the spirit of the above formulae. This alone can keep the doctors away. The is dead cheap. This is a sure sovereign specific and a sheet anchor and a cure-all... Believe me. Give up doubting. I assure you, my dear brother!
(pgs. 184, 186-187, Yoga Samhita by Swami Sivananda)
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