Thousands of Desires

Parable of A Hundred Children

There lived in a certain town two boyfriends, Rama and Krishna. They both were neighbours. Rama married a nice charming girl when he came of age, but Krishna remained a bachelor for a long time. Both Rama and Krishna inherited a lot of wealth from their parents. Rama multiplied his wealth and became a millionaire. But, Krishna adopted his spiritual friend and guide’s son and lived within his own means very happily.

In spite of his increasing fortune, there was no happiness in Rama’s house. Too many children, born to him, were a regular source of constant annoyance to him and his wife. None of them could concentrate their attention on any of the children. The children always grew turbulent and boisterous and soon drained Rama of his wealth. No amount of income could help Rama to make both ends meet.

One day he approached Krishna and asked him as to the secret behind his happiness and the heavenly nature of his house. And Krishna replied, “I have but one son.”

Rama and Krishna represent the human mind. One mind takes to some fancy, and begets a thousand desires as its offspring. The desires quickly drain the energy that the mind daily conserves through little concentration and meditation. The mind becomes a weakling, because of a number of desires. For the same reason, it cannot concentrate itself on a particular desire and achieve its end.

Krishna adopting the Guru’s son is comparable to a mind imbibing a certain thought from the Guru and concentrating its energy and strength on developing it.

Where there are a thousand desires, there cannot be peace of mind or concentration of mental energy, or preservation even if it were only a weakling of mental strength. Where there is but a single desire, the mind can concentrate upon it well.

The greater the number of desires, the lesser is the peace and happiness. The lesser the desires, the greater is the peace of mind.

Learn to reduce the number of your desires. Keep one and one alone, and let that be divine. Concentrate the mind on it. You will enjoy peace and bliss; you will soon attain your goal.

Source: pgs. 112-114, Parables of Swami Sivananda


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