I Follow the Dictates of My Own Mind

We may have come across people who often say, "I do not believe in a lot of things that the scriptures have ordained", or " I do not think one has to abide by everything that the mahatmas have said; we should use our common sense to live our lives", or "I have been following the dictates of my own mind and conscience, and my life has been more than just fine without observing the dos' and don'ts of spiritual life."

When these types of vaunting come from especially people whom we admire, or from materially successful people who are wealthier, more educated and better-off than we are, we are bound to be first confused and later convinced by their cocksureness. In this category of shams and charlatans are people who pass themselves off as spiritual people, who neither adhere to the tenets of spirituality and strictures of the scriptures nor perform any sadhana (spiritual practice) on a daily basis.

Srila Sri Velukkudi Krishanan Swamiji addresses these issues in a satsang released latterly:


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