Spiritual Hypocrite? Part 2

Question 1: There many people who claimed that they have studied the scriptures and regularly read spiritual books. But they indulge in backbiting, delight in circulating malicious lies, and regularly engage in unconstrained conversation about other people. Over the years, they have got bad to worse. Why is this so? I thought if a person studies the scriptures or preaches to others should be a better person?

Answer 1: "Just as coloured dye stands out more clearly only when the original material is pure white, so also the instructions of a sage penetrate and settle down only in the hearts of aspirants whose minds are calm, who have no desire for enjoyments and whose impurities have been destroyed." (pg. xiii, The Bhagavad Gita by Swami Sivananda)

Question 2: What are the qualifications that one should possess before one could read, understand and absorb the significance of scriptures like the Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, for instance?

Answer 2: "An aspirant is expected to possess the qualifications of keen discrimination, dispassion, control of the mind and senses, and AVERSION to worldly attractions, before he can practise the threefold Sadhana of hearing the scriptures, reflecting upon them, and meditating upon their significance. (pg. xiii, The Bhagavad Gita by Swami Sivananda)


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