Friends and Evil People
Question 1: Don't we all need friends? Perhaps, relatives? On whom can we depend if we have no friends and relatives about us?
Swami Sivananda: "Friends are hypocritical cheats. Relatives are selfish bugs. There is NONE on whom you can depend except God." (pg. 219, Revelation).
Question 2: Whom are those we should avoid?
Swami Sivananda: "...avoid the company of all those who have no faith in God, and who deride God, your Guru and religion, from this very day." (Swami Sivananda, (pgs. 72-79, Hindu Fasts and Festivals).
Paramahansa Yogananda: "Do NOT mix with people who flatter you, for someday such friendships WILL be torn asunder you will find that you have WASTED your time on them." (pg. 135, Journey to Self-Realisation by Paramahansa Yogananda).
Swami Sivananda: "The company of those who speak lies, who commit adultery, theft, cheating, double-dealing, who indulge in idle talks, backbiting and tale-bearing, who have NO faith in God and in the scriptures, should be strictly avoided," Swami Sivananda (pg. 33, Satsanga and Svadhyaya).
Question 3: What are the effects of consorting with such evil people?
Swami Sivananda: "The effects of evil company are highly disastrous. The aspirant should shun ALL sorts of evil company. The mind is filled with bad ideas by contact with evil companions. The little faith in God and scriptures also vanishes. A man is known by the company he keeps. Birds of the same feather flock together... (pg. 283, "How to Cultivate Virtues & Eradicate Vices" by Swami Sivananda Maharaj).
Question 4: Is there no chance that they may change by being in contact with us?
Paramahansa Yogananda: "Evil people don't want to change their ways. The BEST policy is to stay away from them... if you associate with skunks, you cannot smell the roses." (Pg. 264, The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda).
Swami Sivananda: "Company with evil-minded persons is the worst of all the external thorns. Therefore, shun ruthlessly evil company." (pg. 348, Bliss Divine)
Paramahansa Yogananda: "Consider the mosquito. You would think it would be satisfied with drinking your blood; but no, it also injects a little poison into your system, and sometimes carries germs that cause disease and even death. Some human beings also are like that." (Pg. 264, [Chapter on Where is Jesus Now...] The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda).
Question 5: I am a spiritual aspirant. But what is wrong if I mix around with worldly-minded friends or with people who are not spiritual? They may not be evil, after all. How is it going to affect my spiritual progress?
Swami Yatiswarananda: "Wherever we find in an aspirant the desire to mix indiscriminately with worldly-minded people and with members of the opposite sex, we should know that there is something seriously wrong with him. His desires for worldly things and enjoyments have not yet lost their tenacity, no purification of mind has been attained and spiritual progress and realisation are altogether out of the question for him." (pg. 256, Meditation and Spiritual Life)
Svami Purna: “…shared intimacy of any kind will also produce equally intimate karmic interaction,” (pg. 88, The Truth Will Set You Free). [Note: "Swami" is spelt as "Svami" in the swamiji's name]
Question 6: What should I, then, do about my choice of company?
Paramahansa Yogananda: “Choose your company carefully. Be cordial and sincere, but always maintain a little distance and reverence. Never be familiar with people....” (pg. 25, Sayings of Pramahansa Yogananda)
Paramahansa Yogananda: "...Do not sully friendship by becoming too familiar with anyone; familiarity breeds contempt.... Do not make a habit of associating with people uselessly... Keep your distance from whatever or whoever creates disharmony." (pg 150, Journey to Self-Realization)
Question 7: Your final advice on 'living in this world'?
Swami Sivananda: "Combine ALL the love you cherish towards all worldly objects, wife, son, wealth, property, relatives, friends and then apply this COMBINED love towards God. You will realise in THIS very SECOND." (11, Yoga in Daily Life)
Swami Sivananda: "Friends are hypocritical cheats. Relatives are selfish bugs. There is NONE on whom you can depend except God." (pg. 219, Revelation).
Question 2: Whom are those we should avoid?
Swami Sivananda: "...avoid the company of all those who have no faith in God, and who deride God, your Guru and religion, from this very day." (Swami Sivananda, (pgs. 72-79, Hindu Fasts and Festivals).
Paramahansa Yogananda: "Do NOT mix with people who flatter you, for someday such friendships WILL be torn asunder you will find that you have WASTED your time on them." (pg. 135, Journey to Self-Realisation by Paramahansa Yogananda).
Swami Sivananda: "The company of those who speak lies, who commit adultery, theft, cheating, double-dealing, who indulge in idle talks, backbiting and tale-bearing, who have NO faith in God and in the scriptures, should be strictly avoided," Swami Sivananda (pg. 33, Satsanga and Svadhyaya).
Question 3: What are the effects of consorting with such evil people?
Swami Sivananda: "The effects of evil company are highly disastrous. The aspirant should shun ALL sorts of evil company. The mind is filled with bad ideas by contact with evil companions. The little faith in God and scriptures also vanishes. A man is known by the company he keeps. Birds of the same feather flock together... (pg. 283, "How to Cultivate Virtues & Eradicate Vices" by Swami Sivananda Maharaj).
Question 4: Is there no chance that they may change by being in contact with us?
Paramahansa Yogananda: "Evil people don't want to change their ways. The BEST policy is to stay away from them... if you associate with skunks, you cannot smell the roses." (Pg. 264, The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda).
Swami Sivananda: "Company with evil-minded persons is the worst of all the external thorns. Therefore, shun ruthlessly evil company." (pg. 348, Bliss Divine)
Paramahansa Yogananda: "Consider the mosquito. You would think it would be satisfied with drinking your blood; but no, it also injects a little poison into your system, and sometimes carries germs that cause disease and even death. Some human beings also are like that." (Pg. 264, [Chapter on Where is Jesus Now...] The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda).
Question 5: I am a spiritual aspirant. But what is wrong if I mix around with worldly-minded friends or with people who are not spiritual? They may not be evil, after all. How is it going to affect my spiritual progress?
Swami Yatiswarananda: "Wherever we find in an aspirant the desire to mix indiscriminately with worldly-minded people and with members of the opposite sex, we should know that there is something seriously wrong with him. His desires for worldly things and enjoyments have not yet lost their tenacity, no purification of mind has been attained and spiritual progress and realisation are altogether out of the question for him." (pg. 256, Meditation and Spiritual Life)
Svami Purna: “…shared intimacy of any kind will also produce equally intimate karmic interaction,” (pg. 88, The Truth Will Set You Free). [Note: "Swami" is spelt as "Svami" in the swamiji's name]
Paramahansa Yogananda: “Choose your company carefully. Be cordial and sincere, but always maintain a little distance and reverence. Never be familiar with people....” (pg. 25, Sayings of Pramahansa Yogananda)
Paramahansa Yogananda: "...Do not sully friendship by becoming too familiar with anyone; familiarity breeds contempt.... Do not make a habit of associating with people uselessly... Keep your distance from whatever or whoever creates disharmony." (pg 150, Journey to Self-Realization)
Question 7: Your final advice on 'living in this world'?
Swami Sivananda: "Combine ALL the love you cherish towards all worldly objects, wife, son, wealth, property, relatives, friends and then apply this COMBINED love towards God. You will realise in THIS very SECOND." (11, Yoga in Daily Life)
A well-organized collection of illustrations accompanied by citations. Consensus reached entirely.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this. I really needed this one. All glory to Pujya Sri Swami Sivananda Ji Maharaj!!