Space for Sadhana

Eight or ten hours, we are working, concentrating, and getting very tired. Then, there is the commuting one or two hours to and from work. Everyone is exhausted from the daily routine. When we return home in the evening, we need to find some peace, some calm, and some inspiration. This is very important for living a spiritual life properly. 

The home should be a sort of counter-balancing factor for all the restless, stressful, worldly activity of your professional life. It should be a place where, the moment you enter, the mind is once again brought back into its own, where it can find rest and peace in God. God should be the centre of the home. You should not feel, "This house is mine." But rather, "This is the abode of God, and here I am privileged to reflect on the deeper meaning of my life." 

If the spiritual atmosphere of the house home is not maintained, then, how can you find your spiritual centre? 

A Steady Light: Swami Gurudevananda (pg. 143)


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