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Walk Your Talk

Swami Sivananda: "Live in the spirit of the teachings of the Gita. Mere talk and lecture will not help you in any way. You may know the whole of the Gita by heart and may deliver lectures for several hours. But they are of NO avail without wisdom. What is wanted is SOLID Sadhana with mental non-attachment and REGULAR practice of the teachings of the Gita," (pg. 169, Sermonettes of Swami Sivananda) Swami Sivananda: "Spiritual life is not a mere idle talk . it is not mere sensation. It is actual living in Atman. It is a transcendental experience of unalloyed bliss. Tread the path of truth and righteousness. Stick tenaciously to the twenty instructions. Be regular in your meditation. "Be patient. Practise introspection. Do selfless service. Develop Vairagya. You will attain immortality," (pg. 132, Sermonettes of Swami Sivananda) Swami Sivananda: "Mere hearing of eloquent, valuable lectures will not do in the spiritual path . You will...

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