Dangers of Consuming Raw Vegetables

Vegans and many a health freak have switched to eating raw vegetables or eating them with their sandwiches or burgers. Most people who follow the raw food diet eat only plant-based foods, making it a type of vegan diet. However, some people eat raw animal products or raw or dried meat, too.

There are three broad types of raw food diet:

1. a raw vegan diet excludes all animal products, focusing only on plant-based foods

2. a raw vegetarian diet includes plant-based foods plus raw eggs and unprocessed dairy products

3. a raw omnivorous diet includes plant-based foods, raw animal products, and raw or dried meat

Proponents of raw food diets argue that cooking food destroys nutrients and vital enzymes. Research, however, shows that the plant enzymes found in raw foods are digested and broken down by our own enzymes and therefore do not contribute to our digestive function and nutrition. In addition, the minerals and vitamins in some fruits and vegetables are actually less bioavailable when we eat them raw. For example, the beneficial carotenoids from carrots and lycopene from tomatoes are significantly higher when cooked. Lightly steaming, sautéing, and simmering foods at a low temperature can make foods easier to digest. 

In fact, some foods contain anti-nutrients that actually block nutrient absorption and many of those can also be mitigated by the aforementioned food preparation methods. 

Contrary to what Vegans and all misinformed health- faddists believe, vegetables that are properly cooked are much more nutritious and healthful. Nutritionist Pooja Malhotra says, "...vegetables, when eaten raw, can lead to digestive distress. Secondly, there is a possibility of worms in food. Cooking or heating food can make digestion easier and it can kill the worms as well. Some people already deal with digestive problems so they should not eat these vegetables raw at all. Further, people who are suffering from problems like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a common disorder that affects the large intestine) cannot consume raw foods."

From an Ayurvedic perspective, our health is determined not only by the foods that we eat but our ability to digest and metabolize those foods. This digestive capacity is referred to as Agni. Ayurveda regards raw foods as being cold, dry, light, rough, and Rajasic—a Sanskrit term that can be translated as activating or enervating. Consuming foods with these qualities can strain our digestive fire and decrease our digestive capacity, particularly in someone who has weak digestion to start with. This can lead to poor absorption of nutrients, lack of nourishment to our tissues, imbalances in our body, and, ultimately, illness or disease.

Ayurveda's Stand on Eating Raw Vegetables

Ayurveda generally recommends cooked foods to strengthen the digestive power of Agni, decrease digestive stress, and optimize nutrient absorption. Some raw foods are used, but the amounts are much less than in a predominantly raw food diet. Uncooked foods are dry, cold, rough and activating in nature so they increase vata dosha in body. This increased vata causes as many as 80 types of physical and mental problems. Those who are vata body type or suffering from vata disorder then they should avoid regular consumption of raw vegetables.

Raw vegetables are heavy to digest, eating large amount of raw vegetables depletes digestive fire which leads to accumulation of toxins and then causes disease.

-First, warm food increases the flow of blood to your gut and improves the digestion process.

-Secondly, cooked food breaks down easily in the stomach and the nutrients are absorbed by the body properly.

Not only Ayurveda, even science supports these claims. There are some researches that clearly underlines why eating cooked food is more beneficial than raw food. As per a study, food cooked in water have more antioxidant content. Apart from this, raw vegetables can be hard to digest and can even lead to irritable bowel syndrome.

Modern Science

Modern science admits that there are many foods that become healthier only when cooked. Cooking red-colored vegetables such as tomatoes unleashes lycopene and other carotenoids which strengthen the immune system, fight cancer and lowers the risk of heart disease. A raw food diet follower may also miss out on essential nutrients such as zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. 

Studies have shown that cooking vegetables increases the availability of antioxidants like beta-carotene and lutein. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that the body converts into vitamin A. A diet rich in beta-carotene has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. The antioxidant lycopene is also more easily absorbed by your body when you get it from cooked foods instead of raw foods. Lycopene has been associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer in men and lower risk of heart disease. One study found that cooking tomatoes reduced their vitamin C content by 29%, while their lycopene content more than doubled within 30 minutes of cooking. Also, the total antioxidant capacity of the tomatoes increased by over 60%. Another study found that cooking increases the antioxidant capacity and content of plant compounds found in carrots, broccoli and zucchini.. Antioxidants are important because they protect the body from harmful molecules called free radicals. A diet rich in antioxidants is associated with a lower risk of chronic disease.

A serious disadvantage of eating raw vegetable or uncooked vegetables is the exposure to bacteria, parasites and viruses in contaminated food. Cooking and processing food gets rid of harmful bacteria such as salmonella. Uncooked food may make a person ill and could lead to other complications such as food poisoning. Young children, elderly people and those with weak immune system are most vulnerable to food-borne illnesses.

In short, cooking your vegetables may make certain antioxidants more available to your body than they are in raw foods.

Here's a list of 7 such veggies you should never eat raw. They are healthier when cooked. Take a look.

1. Potatoes

Boil them, bake them or try any other cooking technique, but never eat potatoes raw. Potatoes contain starch which is resistant to digestion. Cooking helps in breaking starch which makes it easier to digest. Raw potatoes may lead to gastrointestinal problems like bloating. Also, if you store raw potatoes for too long, they develop green spots. This is due to a compound known as solanine. Never consume such potatoes as it may lead to food poisoning.

2. Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in cancer-fighting compounds. Eating them raw would certainly not harm you. However, it is suggestive to cook them first. This way your body will be able to absorb the nutritional value of asparagus in a better way.

3. Wild mushrooms

Mushrooms are healthy, no doubt about this. However, consuming them raw can be harsh on your digestive system. The purpose of cooking is to ensure that mushrooms do not lead to digestive distress. Some varieties of mushrooms can take a negative toll on your overall health if consumed raw. Cooking will help in breaking down these harmful compounds.

4. Eggplant/Brinjal

Do not eat an eggplant raw. Solanine, the compound which makes potatoes unsafe is present in eggplant as well. Young eggplants or the ones which were harvested early contain large quantities of this compound. Eating eggplant raw can lead to gastrointestinal problems and solanine poisoning. To prevent any such situation, cook your eggplants and then eat them. This way they are safer.

5. Brussels sprouts

You would never wish to mess with your digestive system by eating them raw. This vegetable can mess with your digestive tract and cause distress. Toss it with some olive oil and salt in a pan, heat them for a while. This way you will be able to relish its flavor, get maximum health benefits and it won't mess with your digestive tract either.

6. Broccoli and cauliflower

These cruciferous vegetables could go harsh on you, in terms of digestion. Lightly steaming or tossing it in a pan with some oil can be helpful in making then soft and easy for digestion.

7. Spinach

This one may have come to you by surprise. We see raw spinach in salads all the time. Well, spinach is not unsafe when eaten raw. However, cooking helps in releasing its iron and magnesium content which is a much healthier option for you.

Ayurvedic Tips to Enhance Digestion

1. Avoid cold food and liquids.

2. Include fresh ginger root, lime or lemon juice, and small amounts of fermented foods to increase Agni.

3. Include all six tastes—sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent—in every meal to ensure balance.

4. Eat with concentration, taking your time to enjoy your food. Do not talk or watch television or read while eating.

5. Eat according to your primary constitution: Vata, Pitta, or Kapha.

6. Align yourself with the rhythms of nature. Eat mostly warm, cooked foods when the weather is cool and the qualities of Vata are increased. Salads and other raw foods should be eaten when the weather is hot and at lunchtime, when Agni is strongest.

7. Incorporate healthy fats and cold-pressed organic oils such as extra-virgin olive oil to balance Vata when consuming salads and dried foods.

8. Soak and sprout nuts and seeds to unlock nutrients and increase their digestibility.

9. Juice raw vegetables to decrease the element of dryness and reduce the digestive demands on your body. I don’t recommend juicing more than one piece of fruit daily as this leads to increased blood sugar levels.

10. Include spices that enhance digestion and reduce gas and bloating, such as coriander, cumin, and fennel.

11. Practice Pranayama (yogic breathing) techniques to increase your digestive fire. Bhastrika or bellows breath is a simple yogic breathing practice that will help energize you as well as enhance your digestive power.

12. Practice yoga poses that massage the abdominal organs, such as gentle twists, reclined knee-to-chest pose, downward dog, and cat-cow pose.


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