Little Known Facts about Swami Rama, the Author of Living with the Himalayan Masters

  1. Name given at Birth: Brij Kishor Kumar
  2. Other names of Swami Rama: Bhole Baba, Bole Prabhu, Sadhashiva, Katori Wale Baba, Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sadashiva Bharati, Kumar Saheb.
  3. Date of Birth: 1925
  4. Date of Death: 13.11.1996
  5. Place of Birth: Garhwal (Himalayan regions)
  6. Father's Name: Buddhi Vallabh Dhasmana
  7. Caste: Brahmin
  1. Guru's name: Baba Dharam Das (aka Bengali Baba)
  2. Parents: His father was in his late 60s, and his mother was in her late 50s when Swami Rama was born.
  3. Spiritual Tradition: Gorakh Natha sampradayat
  4. Swami Rama received the darshan of Devi when he was seven years old
  5. As a young man, Swami Rama gallivanted and "enjoyed" life like any other men of his age.
  6. Swami Rama married after He was ordained as a Shankaracharya.
  7. Swami Rama's wife was an Oxford university master's degree holder in English literature. She was a brahmin by caste.
  8. Swami Rama had a son named Mohit, whose wedding Swami attended in Bombay. 
  9. Swami Rama wore a denture.
Source: At the Eleventh Hour by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait


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