Limitation of Modern Science

May a person or writer be a doctor or even a scientist, well, his knowledge is not absolute. Even those with a string of impressive academic titles to their names would acquiesce in to this. These secular scientists', professionals', doctors', experts' opinions, observations, postulates, which are cardinally based upon empirical evidence, are not perfect and final. They are not set in concrete but vastly "malleable" to new findings.

Secular Science and Five Senses

Empirical evidence derives its data of direct observation or experiment, i.e., the researcher attempts to describe the interaction between the limited human senses and the entity being observed. They rely on observable evidence---evidence which is dependent only upon the limited human senses.

There are so many things in the world which cannot be subject to this narrow and parochial tests. That is why, even the common-or-garden love that a mother feels for her child cannot be proven scientifically! In "Social Research Methods by Example: Applications in the Modern World", a book published by Routledge, all the authors can say there is some activity in some parts of the brain when someone is in love. But why and how it happens, science has no answer for that. 

The point is, because love defies scientific explanations, it does not mean it is nothing more than the activities of neurotransmitters. 

If Science Has A Reason FOR Something, It Sure Has Evidence AGAINST It Too

Whatever that one may quote from science concerning food and health, for instance, will soon be invalidated by new findings and researches: an equally qualified doctor, or someone better, perhaps even a scientist of great eminence, could come up with another book or study to debunk the entire theory of anything. When we choose to believe the new evidence, what if another dazzlingly skilled doyen comes up another piece of evidence to refute the new posit?

Contention Between Two Experts

Let me quote you an example of how even renowned experts, who base their opinions on the same empirical science, could differ with each other, and could even contradict each other to the point of invalidating the supremacy of their own science.

While British biologist, Dr Richard Dawkins, a professorial fellow of New College (Oxford), contends in his famous and bestseller book "The God Delusion" that God does not exist, and all the beliefs surrounding a creator is a delusion, Dr Fazele Rana (Ph.D in chemistry), the vice president of research and apologetics, asserts vehemently in his "The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Artistry" (another bestseller), that God does exist. Isn't it curious? Aren't the two talking about the same science? Then, why could they claim to prove two polar opposite things? 

The above is not a quarrel between a lay and an expert, but between an expert and an expert. And they are no mean professors, but people who are listened to by the erudite world of science.

Whom would we want to believe now?

Compared to western modern science that changes its positions quite too often especially about major issues like climate, health, food, pollutions, diet, human psychology and mind, medicines, Sanatana Dharma has been very consistent about its assertions: live harmoniously with nature, exercise self-discipline, practise daily sadhana, watch your mind closely, be careful of your thoughts, realise the purpose of life have been its creed and ethos. The scriptures and the enlightened masters, in this respect, are never wrong about these basics.

Up till about the mid-90s, the scientific world had been wary of accepting the efficacy of meditation, for it could not prove any scientific evidence that it works; but now, as brain science takes a leap, scientists not only accept but also strongly recommend it to people with mind and brain disorders. Not long ago, from 1930s to 2000, scientists poohed-poohed any ideas concerned with 'powers of thoughts' and 'thought powers'. But now, scientists dare to go public with their findings that 'thoughts' do have tremendous influence over our psyche, mind, well-beings and even successes.


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