Why Can't I Remember God All the Time?

In response to the perennial cajoling from mahatmas who advise us to constantly remember God, spiritual aspirants oftentimes complain that it is not just difficult but well-nigh impossible Augean task to undertake such an endeavour. Their constant refrain is, "is it even feasible that we always keep God in our remembrance when we are in this world where we have to work, talk to people, perform tasks and duties, and attend to our families, which all with equal force compete for our time and attention?"

Swami Sivananda's succinct reply is, "If you have purity of mind, you will remember God" (pg. 32, Daily Reading). Motivated by His answer, we, confidently, protest, "But I've a pure mind --- I don't steal, rob, rape, cuckold, or usurp another's property, injure anyone. Why can't I, then, always remember God?" Not committing crimes, living an upright life, and being highly moral simply speak of a sattwic mind: a mind that is in the mode of goodness. That is all. They do not denote a "purity of mind" or a "pure mind".

Speaking to these issues, Swami Sivananda first explains what an "impure mind" is.

An "impure mind" is what the majority of humanity has (with, of course, the exception of Mahatmas, sages, saints and rishies); it is, Swami Sivananda says, "no other than the subtle desires that generate countless births" (ditto). He is referring to the "lower instinctive mind (which has) the tendency to think of sense objects." (ditto). 

It is this "impure mind" that delights in gossips, treachery, amassing wealth, and which is the fathomless cauldron of worldly desires; it is this lower mind that finds joy, satisfaction and happiness in sense-objects, the transitory things of this world; it is this lower mind that craves for fame and name, that enjoys the subtle tastes in food, and considers its right to possess someone.

When this "lower instinctive mind" gratifies its outgoing proclivities, searching for happiness in the world outside ourselves, in the world of people, objects, places, positions, awards, comfort, reputation and power, that is is when it struggles to constantly remember God, who is the polar opposite of this world of His Maya. Always thinking of God is to rest within ourselves, taking an inward journey, turning our backs to our desires to own the latest smartphones, to engage in tittle-tattle, and to grovel at the feet of riches. It is taking determined steps away from the world of baubles, trinkets and frippery, plodding towards God, to procure our liberation from this world of sorrow.

Swami Sivananda says, "Liberation means nothing but the destruction of the impure mind" (ditto); the destruction of the lower instinctive mind that dwells on sense-objects. He hints that when "desires are annihilated", our minds become pure; and, when our minds become pure, we "will remember God...always remember God" (ditto).

Therefore, why we cannot remember God, not just always, but even for a moment in our 24 hours? It is because our minds are impure.

But why must one always remember God?

Swami Sivananda reminds us, "If you always remember God, the knots of the heart, viz., ignorance, desire, and action, will be rent asunder. You will attain Liberation." (ditto)


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