What is the Best Advice that You Can Give Me About Sadhana?

Question: To tell you the truth, I am truly bored with my sadhana. For instance, I have been doing chanting for many years, and I now feel bored doing it everyday. What should I do?

"It does NOT matter whether YOUR mind likes it or dislikes it. You must practise your japam (=chanting) as a daily routine....You have received the precious mantram from your Guru. Now dive deep into the ocean of Satchidananda. You have NO self-reliance. Self-effort IS indispensable in spiritual life. Do something for a period of at least four years. Then, if you have not made any TANGIBLE progress, come back and slap me!," Swami Brahmananda (Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's direct disciple, and who was, according to the Paramahamsa, Sri Krsna's playmate) (pg. 118, God Lived with Them).

Question: But I cant concentrate during my sadhana. what am I to do?
"Even if we are not able to concentrate (during our) spiritual practice, just sticking to a schedule will help to discipline our mind and keep us on the right track. Sometimes, we stop our sadhana, feeling that we are not making progress. One may think,'I can't chant the mantra with concentration, so why  should I continue?' Or, we hope to get some experience during our meditation, and when nothing spectacular happens, we get discouraged. This attitude is NOT correct; we must persevere  in our efforts. (It is like) swimming upstream against a strong current---we may not move forward...or even at all, but if we were to stop... we would be swept backwards... Likewise,... sadhana prevents us from being drowned by our negative tendencies and selfish desires," Swami Ramakrishnananda (pgs. 188-189, The Secret of Inner Peace) [Note: Swamiji is a direct disciple of Mata Sri Amritanandamayi].

Question: What is the best way to attain success in sadhana?

"Unless one delves within and tries to understand the inner machinery (=mind), one cannot practise sadhana successfully." (pg. 440, [Practical Sadhana: A Discussion] Sadhana by Swami Sivananda).

Question: How far is the control of senses important to success in sadhana?

"Neither progress in the spiritual path nor success in meditation is possible without self-control. No spiritual growth is ever possible without the control of the senses and the mind. An uncontrolled mind is the greatest barrier to Self-realisation. Strict disciplined life will lead to Self-realisation." (pg. 131, Voice of the Himalayas by Swami Sivananda)


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