Bhajan, its Supreme Importance by Ganapthi Sachchidananda

Nadopasana and Shabdo-pasana washes the mind of fears and evil thoughts and fill the mind with peace and tranquillity.
There is an intimate relationship between music and God. But this relationship is established only when Nadha is approached with reverence and devotion. Nadhopasana leads to moksha.

It was Ramanam Japa that raised Valmiki into Maha Rishi. So do nama Sankirtan with gusto and attain eternal bliss.
Bhakti and nama Sankirtan generally go together. All music has evolved out of OM, the mystic syllable which symbolises the Absolute. To worship God through music called is Nadopasana.

Since all cannot do tapas (austerities) the easiest and most universally acceptable form is namasankeertana. It opens the door to the province of bakthi as the songs are dedicated to the glorification of Lord.
Human birth is meant for singing the nama-sankeertana with pure mind and a sincere heart.
No outward show is needed to please God.
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