The Best Service to Mankind

Swami Sivananda, "To get Self-realisation and to help others in Self-realisation is the greatest service to mankind which one can do. Building hospitals, Dharmasalas (rest-houses), choultries (guest-houses), temples, tanks, gardens, is nothing when compared with the previous help. People do such kind of charities out of egoism for their own self-glorification." (pg. 133, Easy Path to God-Realisation)

"The world can be saved ONLY by those who have ALREADY saved THEMSELVES. A prisoner CANNOT liberate other prisoners. Therefore, PERFECT yourself: save YOURSELF," Swami Sivananda (pg. 413, Sadhana)
"It is a pity to see people who, BEFORE entering into the Depths of the Spirit, think that they are born for helping the world... They have gone astray," Swami Sivananda (pg. 421, Sadhana) 

"One mistake often made by novices on the spiritual path is that the moment they feel enthusiasm for seeking God, they want to change the whole world....Paramahansaji used to say to such enthusiasts, 'Change yourself first; reform yourself and you will reform thousands'....Be an example of what you want others to be...," Daya Mata (pgs. 47-48, Only Love)



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